GSK Immunohack: TwoBirds

Our team won Challenge 3: Enabling Health Care Professionals, as well as the People’s Choice Award. From left to right: Patrick Alburtus, Janos Botyanszki, Kenneth Ng, Katie Amberg-Johnson, Nikolas Pap, Lily Li, Dipro Chowdhury.

Our team was tasked to create a solution that would enable health care professionals to increase vaccinations. Our application, TwoBirds, accomplished this by creating software that would enable health care providers to schedule parent’s vaccinations during their children’s pediatric appointment times. Thus, vaccinating two birds with one appointment time.

I was the leader of this eight person team. In that capacity, I developed the idea and coordinated front end developers, back end developers, designers, and a pediatrician. I also gave the final presentation and demo’d our work to the judges.

In addition to winning the hackathon, our team was selected for incubation by GSK and BeMyApp.

For more information on the event, please see the GSK Immunohack home page.

For more details on our application, please click on the following image to go to our slide deck: